Our members are planning some pretty exciting events this year, including production sales, shows, and junior events.
The Nebraska Charolais Association (N.C.A.) is a non-profit breed organization working to serve its members in the areas of cattle promotion, breed improvement and continuous education of its breeder members and associates. The N.C.A. currently has close to 60 members, many of whom have seen second and third generations continue the family business and tradition in the Charolais breed.
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Learn more about the profit-making ability of Charolais cattle.
Why Charolais
Profitable Calves
Market reports and direct order buyers provide evidence that Charolais-sire calves consistently top the market. With more pounds and a higher price paid per hundredweight, Charolais-sired calves target more profit to the cow-calf producer.
Charolais-sired calves produce optimum-sized carcasses with a higher percentage of quality retail product and consistently grade USDA Choice with Yield Grades 1s or 2s. From a cow-calf standpoint, ranchers have found that Charolais bulls sire calves that grow fast, wean heavy off the cow, and gain efficiently.

“Charolais cattle are extremely valuable in what we do every day. They perform, convert, get large and do well. The packers desire those cattle. When we put Charolais on the show list, there’s usually a lot of aggression, a lot of desire to own them for a couple of reasons. For one, the cutability is amazing. The cattle yield very well. There’s nothing more desirable in the industry than a black-nosed Charolais.”
—Todd Sigmon, Manager
Dinklage Feedyards • Sidney, Nebraska
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Charolais bulls sire identifiable off-white, yellow or smoky calves. These heavier calves are easier for buyers to pick out of the crowd, especially in a predominately black market
Performance Plus Registry
Comprehensive data collection through the new AICA Performance Plus Registry to aggressive feedlot partnerships to packer grid formulas recognizing the added value of Charolais and Charolais influenced cattle.
For more information, please click here, or on the photo to download the program brochure.
Information provided courtesy of the American International Charolais Association
Charolais Advantage

Charolais Advantage is an age-and-source-verified program designed to add even more value to your Charolais genetics. Co-branded through IMI Global’s USDA-approved USVerified™ (PVP) program, Charolais Advantage will provide additional marketing opportunities to producers using Charolais genetics in their herd.

The USVerified™ program meets all source and age verification requirements and the AICA office will verify the Charolais genetic component. The result is an easily identifiable feeder calf with even more value than before. In fact, age- and source-verified cattle meeting qualifications for export have earned premiums up to $25 per head. Participants may enroll by contacting Marilou Wegner, American-International Charolais Association, 816-464-5977, ext. 400 or e-mail [email protected].